As early as in 2009, the internet had taken over the aviation industry in terms of emission of CO2. Therefore, we committed ourselves to help companies compensate for the CO2 emission stemming from their websites and share the good news with their users.
CO2 Neutral Website is a global climate initiative because CO2 emissions are a global problem. That’s why we are proud to have members across all kinds of organisations and across continents.
First of all: Thank you to all the members who help us make CO2 Neutral Website grow and thrive. It makes us happy to hear that the little green icon on the websites is making the reputation and user satisfaction of companies and organisations stronger.
CO2-neutral websites may not be the cornerstone of the corporate environmental effort, but it makes up an excellent addition to other initiatives. We receive a lot of feedback that tells us that specifically theCO2 Neutral Website certification is returning the marketing investment of a membership.
The goal of CO2 Neutral Website is to call more attention to the CO2 emissions of websites. At the same time we want to create concrete projects that have an impact - socially and environmentally. For example, we reduce CO2 and improve the lives of thousands of families in Africa by cooperating with local NGOs on introducing energy efficient stoves.
We usually respond to emails within 24 hours on workdays. Please, write us if you have any questions.
Inge Lehmanns Gade 10, 6. sal
8000 Aarhus C
All rights reserved © CO2 Neutral Website