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Terms and conditions for this initiative

Thank you for participating in this initiative. These terms and conditions supplement the email confirmation which you have received after joining this initiative.

Website traffic

Please particularly note that it is important that you keep us up-to-date as to whether your traffic figures  exceed the agreed interval (calculated as average per month, stated by quarter). As we do not audit your  traffic in any way, it is your responsibility that the information is correct. This is to ensure that we complete  sufficient carbon reductions.

Icon for your website

You can use the logo immediately after having paid your membership fee. You cannot use this membership  to refer to yourselves as CO2 neutral in general as this initiative merely concerns your website specifically  (including the use of the website). We recommend that you refer to your efforts as “our website and the  use of it are CO2 neutral”, not “green website” or similar as this may be misinterpreted. The icon shall  follow the design from time to time determined by, however, size, colouring and  position are up to you to decide.


Your membership will be prolonged automatically, when a period ends. This is so that we can ensure that  your site is always carbon neutral through our projects. All renewals are for 1 year at a time. You can of  course choose to leave the initiative before your participation is prolonged. This requires a written  termination with a notice of at least 1 month before the end of a period. If you terminate later than 1  month before the next period, then we can't refund your rate. We can't refund rates, as the carbon  reductions are done for 1 year each time.

Upon termination of membership, you shall immediately remove icon, references, etc. to the initiative. This  is to prevent users from believing that you still participate upon expiry.


Your participation fee cannot increase during the first year. However, as the costs of CO2 reductions may rise before the next period, we are obligated to inform you of any price increases exceeding 15% within one year, allowing you to decide whether you wish to continue participating. If the increase exceeds 15%, the notice period will be waived, and you may withdraw with immediate effect. The shortened notice period, however, does not apply if the price increase is due to increased traffic on the website.

Rights, breach, damages, etc.

All rights to the concept, the icon, etc., including intellectual property rights, by way of copyrights, patents,  trademark rights, design rights, etc. shall be property of

This initiative can communicate to third parties that you participate. This can be done in any way chosen by  the initiative, also by use of your logo unless you mail to us that you do not accept this. shall not be liable to any damages in any respect for any direct or indirect losses  caused by this initiative, including but not limited to lost earnings, consequential losses or other  consequential damage. can at any time chose in which way it completes the carbon reductions. All terms and conditions in this sheet as well as in email confirming you participation are confirmed by you  when you pay the participant fee or use the icon.

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