We keep investing in new facilities for wind and water energy in different parts of the world.
Wind turbines are a profitable investment in terms of CO2 reductions because it’s easy to measure the amount of green energy they produce. However, we are not even counting the wind projects in our CO2 calculations because, theoretically, they could have been created without our investment.
We invest in the transition to renewable energy production because we find it important to follow a long-term plan for reducing global CO2 emissions. Our goal is to call attention to the positive changes that companies can make for the environment. That’s why wind and water projects are so important for us.
Up until now we have invested in Hvidovre Vindmøllelaug and the wind turbines at Uhre Vindmøllelaug. However, we will soon be ready with a comprehensive engagement in a new renewable energy project. We are not allowed to disclose it yet due to authority approvals and project establishment.
Revenues from our renewable energy plants are being re-invested in new projects. We ensure that the projects also include the eventual dismantling of the plant and that they some day no longer will produce energy.
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8000 Aarhus C
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